Jun 8, 2015

The Power of Asking Questions

Tony Robbins said: "Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers."

Questions can be powerful things. They are the keys to unlocking wisdom and knowledge. A good question will give rise to more questions and questions are the seeds that if cultivated bare fruits of the truth.

 How can our trials strengthen us?

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."-Socrates

The greatest discoveries and creations came about because of brave individuals who not only asked questions, but took the time to go and seek out the answers or solutions.

"For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?"-James Allen

Asking the right questions don't only lead us to make new discoveries about the world around us. 
Asking the right questions will lead to a greater discovery of who we are and what kind of potential we have within us. [Tweet this]

Life can be an effective teacher, but our learning can be enhanced as we allow our life experiences to arouse questions. Our seeking answers can lead us to inconceivable discoveries of knowledge. Can you imagine what the world would be like if Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Hellen Keller, Walt Disney, Benjamin Franklin, or all the other great minds decided to just accept their circumstances without questioning how things could possibly be made better? The only dumb questions are the ones we allow to remain unanswered.


  1. Great blog! Questions are the real way we learn in life. We can listen to lectures and watch someone's example, but utlimately we will still need to ask questions whether to ourselves or about the topic at hand. That is just the process on how we learn. Could you imagine if children never asked questions? We would know what they wanted to learn, what their interests would be. If people never asked questions, others would not be able to share their wealth of knowledge. I mean, how many times have you asked your mother, "Mom, how do you make (favorite dinner dish)?" People ask wealthy people or bankers, "How can I improve my credit score?" Blessed is the person who asks questions, for they shall create room in their minds to receive knowledge!

    1. I love that children are so curious! I once had a teacher who taught that those who are willing to ask questions instead of pretending they didn't have any were usually the smarter ones. I guess being willing to ask could also be a sign of humility.
