Apr 20, 2015

3 Ways Trials Strengthen Us

Life is not meant to be perfect. It is a time for experience and a time for progression.At times, it is necessary for us to go through sorrow so that we can delight in the joys that the fullness of life has to offer. Pain teaches and protects us. Just as we must push our muscles to their breaking points to strengthen them, so must we also endure trials and set backs that seem to break us in order to be strengthened as individuals.

Had I not faced and endured the trials in my life, I would not have realized the strength I continue to discover I have within me. Here are 3 ways my trials have strengthened me. More importantly, here are 3 ways you can find strength in whatever trials you may be currently facing.


When our backs are up against a wall it's incredible what we are able to overcome and achieve. Suddenly the very things we thought we were too afraid to do become necessary. We find ourselves doing things we feared because we have to and the illusion of fear disappears.

"There is no illusion greater than fear."-Lao Tzu


A paradigm shift occurs when there is a fundamental change in the way we see and approach things. It makes perfect sense that a person would describe the onset of adversity as having their world turned upside down.
Trials force us to see things differently and from a different perspective. [Tweet this]
Our empathy for those going through similar situations increase and we find unlikely friendships with them.

When one of my brothers was diagnosed with a special needs my family had to learn whatever was necessary to best care for him. We had to research for the best organizations to help him learn and develop, know how to protect and prepare him for looks and questions and sometimes teasing from those who wouldn't understand. We learned what kinds of resources were lacking and the unique monetary costs that would be faced through out his life. We found support groups and made new life long friends. We experienced a major paradigm shift. These paradigm shifts we experience in trials strengthen us by broadening our perspective of the world around us.



Because  of the paradigm shift that happens as we face and endure the adversity in our trials we can more easily recognize the pain and set backs of those going through similar trials. Our love for them increases. And because we've been there before under similar circumstances we have a better idea of how to offer comfort and support. In my church, the Relief Society, a women's organization, sign up to make meals for families for at least the first week after a new baby is born to help ease the burden of adjusting to life with a new infant. These women do this because many of them know preparing meals during those busy and sleepless beginnings is not always a priority but still a necessity.

Our increased capacity to recognize service opportunities and actually having an idea of how to offer comfort, to me, is the greatest badge of honor we can forever wear and utilize because we face trials.
There may be battle scars, but knowing we can bless others as a result of enduring hard things makes it all worth it.  [Tweet this]
In the wise words of Sai Baba, "No joy can equal the joy of serving others."

In what ways are you stronger because of your trials? How are you more capable to serve because of your past trials?



  1. Anonymous5/23/2015

    I have been going through some really tough stuff lately and this really helped me keep a more positive attitude and realize that I am stronger because I've had to face this trial. I'm happy I stumbled upon your blog and look forward to reading more!

    1. I'm so happy this helped you! Ezra Taft Benson once said, "Happiness here and now consists in freely, lovingly, joyfully acknowledging God's will for us- and doing it in all ways and all affairs big and small." The key word here is "all" not always easy but worth the peace of mind.
