Jun 1, 2015

The Price of Dishonesty

Nothing is free, there is a price for everything we do and receive. The value we place on what we'll receive and become can tell us if the cost is worth the price we'd pay. The price of dishonesty is a steep one. Being dishonest will cost you your integrity, your credibility, respect, and even some of your freedom. 
Honesty and integrity are our best tools in influence and leadership.[Tweet this]
The moment you start lying or manipulating the truth is the moment that you will find yourself captive by the chains that those lies create. A single lie can never stand on its own, it needs the support of other lies to hold it up.

Integrity is not something that can be reestablished in a single act. It is built over time through consistent effort. A single lie however has the power to destroy it all. Every lie you tell to another is a lie told to yourself. To lie one must convince himself that they feel good about doing something wrong, and that the lies are helping more than harming. The liar pays the greatest price by lying. They lose confidence and trust in themselves and others with every lie they tell. 
There is nothing charitable about lying, the only consistent motive is selfishness. [Tweet this]
Contentment may come for a moment for a liar but it will not last. In the end the one who is harmed and hurt the most is the liar.

Is lying ever worth the price?


1 comment:

  1. "Thou shalt not bear false witness." Great principle that has been taught from God Himself. Even if you didn't believe in God, honesty is the best policy, no matter if you have done something wrong and need to confess, or if you have seen something wrong and need to report it. Honesty is the best policy because it's the right thing to do! A great man once said, "Wo unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell." I always think, "What does 'thrust' look like? Is it a gentle push, a nudge, a toss....NO, it's a forceful push! Don't lie. Tell the truth. =)
