Jul 10, 2015

Positivity in Relationships

The people in our lives impact our attitudes. Choose with care who to include and emulate in life. Our associations either elevate or bring us down. Every relationship is different. Some are like kayaks, others a row boat, others a cruise ship, etc. We spend more time with some and put less work into others. However, the best and healthy ones keep us afloat and buoy us up. This is why I choose to surround myself with people who have a positive mental attitude. 

A positive attitude is a powerful thing. It turns obstacles into opportunities, squashes insecurities, eases stress, and makes life much more enjoyable.

A positive attitude's a catalyst that can spark extraordinary results and turn punishment into entertainment. (Tweet this)
One example of a person with an extraordinary positive mental attitude is my younger brother, Kekoa Tato. Kekoa doesn't allow having down syndrom to stop him from enjoying life, having big dreams, and going after what he wants. In fact his positive mental attitude has allowed him to do many things that many others would be too scared to even attempt.
When Kekoa was in preschool, he didn't always want to do what the rest of the group was doing. As a result he'd end up in time out. He'd play with a rock or his shoes. Sometimes he'd even laugh and sing to himself. Time-out was supposed to be punishment, but he was having fun!

Last year Kekoa ended up in the hospital will gall stones and had surgery to remove his gall bladder. Despite the pain he endured to recover from the surgery and having to be cooped up in a hospital room for almost 2 weeks, a smile was ever present on his face. When I'd visited him, he even showed off how he had serenaded all of the pretty nurses and introduced me to all of his new friends. In fact, all who dropped by to cheer him up left uplifted and inspired themselves.
Positivity is contagious, and during adversity it's inspiring. (Tweet this)
 My relationship with Kekoa has always inspired me to smile and stay positive even when things are tough. From Kekoa, I've learned that I should never let my circumstances determine my attitude or the direction the edges of my mouth point. If we decide to always have a positive attitude, we will always be able to make the best of any circumstances.

When bad things happen we can't change the past, but with the right attitude we can learn a lot from it. (Tweet this)

Who is the Kekoa in your life? How would a more positive attitude help you get through hard times?

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